How one woman’s journey through cancer changed my life

Allah’s mercy is boundless, and it envelops everyone and it is only by His will and His mercy that I met Yasmeen. Yasmeen has inspired me ever since I met her, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I learned her story. I had the honor of attending Yasmeen’s talk about her experience with cancer, and it changed my perspective on so many things. With plenty of good-natured, self-deprecating humor, she eloquently conveyed potentially life-changing information, for which I am eternally grateful.

Yasmeen beat an extremely rare form of cancer through diet alone, without chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. The most significant change she made was her diet. And get this: Her diet plan wasn’t overly complicated – it focused on cutting white sugar and carbs, and adding lots of great juices.

She holds a Doctorate in Economics from Johns Hopkins University, so for me to bring your attention to facts, figures, and peer-reviewed journals like she did in her talk yesterday is somewhat impossible, and I will not try. However, I will share some of my top takeaways from her talk in layman’s terms.

  1. Raw Vegan Diets DO Work (for a bit)
    Yasmeen went on a raw vegan diet right after her diagnosis. In a matter of 7 days, she saw a significant drop in her tumor. She stayed on it for about 10 days.
  2. If You Love Bread, Look Away
    Yasmeen’s focus was on adding foods that starve cancer and removing foods that feed cancer. Anything with sugar in it feeds cancer, and that holds true for bread too. Yasmeen cut almost all carbs and sugars and starved the cancer. However, she did switch to buckwheat, which helped.
  3. Contemplation on the Quran
    What was most significant for me throughout the talk was Yasmeen’s absolute reliance on Allah, and her attachment to Allah’s word. How she fell in love with Surah Baqarah, how Allah’s words comforted her throughout her ordeal. How she found the love and mercy of Ar-Rahman holding her, guiding her, and bringing her hope in the darkest of moments.
  4. Downplaying the Crisis in Your Head
    Throughout the extremely challenging experience of being diagnosed with – and then beating – cancer, Yasmeen did not become hopeless. As you would imagine, she had days that were particularly tough, especially if the reports did not look encouraging. There was a constant tussle between hope and fear, but she tried her best to value and seize the opportunities to enjoy life with her husband and kids. In her mind, cancer wasn’t a death sentence. She knew she could beat it. And she did.
  5. Fasting
    Yasmeen’s test results improved dramatically after the month of Ramadan. Cancer cells need 18 times the amount of sugar that normal cells do, so fasting in Ramadan, and even intermittent fasting, deprives the cells of sugar, thereby depriving them of fuel. Yes, fasting really DOES work!
  6. Sleep, Stress, and Cancer
    I learned about the connection between lack of sleep, stress, and cancer. Lack of sleep and the presence of stress can lead to a compromised immune system. The cells that the body is supposed to destroy? The body doesn’t register them as problematic, and they are allowed to thrive.
  7. Screens Before Bedtime Disturb Melatonin Production
    I believe many of us have heard about this, but do you know just how much viewing light before bedtime affects your chances of developing cancer? What I would really like to do is completely eliminate screens two hours before bedtime. Why am I not doing that? I’m hopelessly addicted. Also, the moment I ‘let go’ of the phone, I experience a deep sense of FOMO – gasp! What if I miss out on something important? Also, let’s be honest, I miss the dopamine of social media. I’m working on it!
  8. Deodorants Need to Be Natural
    The aluminum and all the chemicals that regular deodorants contain can be harmful, especially when applied to areas near the breasts or lymph nodes. Yasmeen switched to natural deodorants and saw a significant improvement in her health. We’re talking everyday stuff like baking soda, rock salt and even rubbing a slice of lemon! iHerb are now selling rock salt deos and I have heard very encouraging reviews.
  9. Nutrients are important
    Some researches say that cancer is more than anything, a nutrient deficiency. A diet rich in REAL FOOD and all kinds of fruits and vegetables in naturally healing and preventive. Juicing carrots is also extremely beneficial.
  10. Importance of a Support System
    Having a strong support system is crucial when battling cancer. Yasmeen was fortunate to have a loving family and supportive friends who stood by her throughout her journey. Their love and encouragement played a significant role in her recovery.

Yasmeen’s story is a testament to the power of faith, determination, and a positive mindset. Her journey through cancer not only changed her life but also profoundly impacted those around her, including me. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from her experience and am inspired to make positive changes in my own life. Remember, it’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving. Let’s take control of our health and live our best lives. After all, we only get one stint in the dunya and we have to make it count!

May Allah swt bless the gift that is Yasmeen, and may Allah keep her heart connected to Him and His book always and may she help all those around her to find ease and tranquility and the way to the ultimate success – His Jannah and His pleasure. Ameen.

One thought on “How one woman’s journey through cancer changed my life

  1. Jazakillah Mehmudah for sharing Yasmeen’s story. Indeed faith in Allah, a correct and healthy life style and a loving and supportive family, can turn the tables on any adversary of life.

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